About Honest Abe Log Homes
Serenity Log Homes are custom manufactured by Honest Abe Log Homes

Honest Abe Log Homes – Manufacturing Since 1979
Since 1979 Honest Abe has been there to support its customers in creating their dream homes. Whether it’s a modest ca bin or a palatial retreat, Honest Abe turns visions of a fantasy home into a tangible reality.
Honest Abe Log Homes, which manufactures log homes, timber frame homes and hybrid homes offered by Serenity Log Homes, established in 1979 by a native of Moss, Tenn., and that is still where the company’s National Headquarters resides today.
With so many years of experience and thousands of homes completed, Honest Abe is a very stable and dependable company. Honest Abe encourages prospective homebuyers to visit the headquarters and tour the manufacturing facility to see why so many have entrusted the company to manufacture their “forever home.” If you are interested in a visit, call me at 256-762-3808 or contact me HERE.
Design Department Offers Experience and Creativity
When you begin thinking about building a new log home, it’s nice to know that you don’t have to start from scratch. It’s also nice to know that you aren’t alone. Honest Abe Log Homes offers many choices in log home packages. These selections make the planning and building process more understandable and less stressful for the first-time homebuilder.
“Here at Honest Abe, we strive to have the best quality in every process from log manufacturing to providing blueprints and construction guides,” said Fred Kendall, the design manager and a 30+ year employee at Honest Abe’s headquarters in Moss, Tenn. “Honest Abe offers more complete packages than many companies. When comparing price, it becomes clear that we have a larger quantity and more quality materials to include in our packages.”
Like any future homeowner, first establish some basic guidelines. The budget is probably the most important. Find a price range you’re comfortable with to help narrow down the selection. Next, decide on the total square footage for your log home. Lastly, choose a log profile. The profile is the determining factor in the overall look and feel of your new home.
Now you’re ready to choose or design your floor plan and begin looking at different packages. Honest Abe Log Homes is dedicated to working with you through every step to achieve your desired home.
“The customer usually comes to us with ideas on how they want to finish their homes and where on the property they want their home placed,” said Kendall. “Dealers like Serenity Log Homes are ready to advise on things related to what the customer wants in a particular package and how Honest Abe can provide those materials.”
Like other high-end purchases, log home packages are specific to your wants and desires. Honest Abe works with dealers to make the customer top priority when planning each step of a log home design. From logs only to a completed outside shell structure, the decision is up to each customer as to what type and how many materials Honest Abe provides.
Stewardship is a Way of Life for Honest Abe
As part of a group of companies committed to natural resource stewardship, Honest Abe Log Homes can truly say, “We were green when being green wasn’t cool.” With Honest Abe, good stewardship of our natural resources isn’t just a slogan, it’s a way of life.
Honest Abe’s parent company, Green Forest Wood Products, was started in 1970 to supplement the income from a family farm. That family farming operation and all the conservation measures associated with it continues with another generation today on several thousand acres in Tennessee and Kentucky.
Along the way, Honest Abe founder, the late Doug Smith, operated the company under the philosophy, “If you’re going to make your living in wood products, you must have practices in place to keep renewing those raw materials, and you need to use every part of a log you can.”
That’s not just a good business practice, it’s proper stewardship. And it’s just a part of Honest Abe Log Homes’ commitment to stewardship and sustainability measures. The company practices what it preaches, and also preaches what it practices.Not only does Honest Abe do these things as part of its everyday business, the company encourages homeowners, dealers and suppliers to get involved, too.
Working in tandem with dealers like Serenity Log Homes, Honest Abe provides one-on-one consultation throughout the custom home planning and design process. Customers are encouraged to give direction on the impact that “stewardship” building has on their project.

Honest Abe Log Homes Professional Associations
The Log and Timber Homes Council is a national organization with membership comprised of manufacturers of log homes. The LHC is part of the Building Systems Councils, a council of the National Association of Home Builders. Council members are log home manufacturers and producers who have united to develop and promote quality building systems and ethical business practices by participation in both mandatory and voluntary council programs designed to benefit log home customers, including an excellent buyer’s guide. For decades, Honest Abe has been a long-standing member and contributor of this council. Currently, Honest Abe’s president serves on the council’s steering committee. Honest Abe’s profile on the LTHC web site can be found here along with free information.

Grading Logs at Honest Abe
Timber Products Inspection, Inc. (TPI) is an independent inspection, testing and consulting company with expertise in all phases of the wood products industry. TPI provides quality auditing services in the areas of sawmills, drying, component fabrication as well as value added processes such as pressure treating and gluing. Each month, a TPI representative will visit our manufacturing facility unannounced, and will spot grade our logs. This practice is done to ensure that Honest Abe’s certified graders (one if pictured to the right) are applying accurate grades to our logs, ensuring a high level of quality control in our homes.
The National Association of Home Builders is a Washington, DC-based trade association representing more than 235,000 residential home building and remodeling industry members. Known as “the voice of the housing industry,” NAHB is affiliated with more than 800 state and local home builders associations around the country. Honest Abe has been a dedicated member through our local branch, the Home Builders Association of the Upper Cumberland since the mid 1980s.
The mission of the Better Business Bureau is to promote and foster ethical relationships between businesses and the public through voluntary self-regulation, consumer and business education and service excellence. Honest Abe Log Homes has been an accredited member of the BBB since 1994 with a A+ rating.